Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mongols Takeover

Mongols Take Over
By Deanna Solari
Mongol Times

            NANJIANG--- Kublai Khan, the son of Genghis Khan took over the Song Empire yesterday. The Mongols have been unsuccessful at the war until now. We were the last of the dynasties to be defeated by the Mongols.

            The Mongols have been trying to defeat us for four decades now, they finally one the last couple of battles and we have been defeated. We had our eye witness Chao Jong, a local fish merchant to tell us what it felt like to be defeated. He said, “It was really sad being defeated especially by the Mongols, we should have worked on improving our weapons like they did.”

            We have also interviewed Kublai Khan about his side of the story. Kublai Khan said, “ This is what you lazy Chinese people get for destroying our beautiful city and killing our ambassador! It took a while to realize what we were doing wrong but we figured it out and improved our weapons. You will always regret what you did.” Kublai Khan was also very excited about his new dynasty, he cannot wait to establish new rules and create new cities.

Mongols Takeover : Editorial

Mongols Takeover: Editorial
By Deanna Solari
Mongol Times

Kublai Khan, the son of Genghis Khan has defeated the Song dynasty this week. The Mongols have been unsuccessful at beating us until now. They finally learned how to make and use gunpowder. I am very upset that the Mongols defeated us, the Song dynasty. We should have been more prepared, and advanced our weapons while we could. Chinese Song dynasty should have been better for this devastating Mongol takeover. The Mongols had a peace treaty wit the song before the war, but then we shot their ambassador.

The Mongols should not have beaten us because we had a peace treaty with them. We have had they peace treaty for over 50 years. We interviewed a villager from the Song dynasty and asked about what he thought. He said, “The Song should have won by far we were more advance in weapon, but we didn't use them to our advantage.” Another reason the Song should have won is because we know more about government. We have been a dynasty in China  for 100 years! We know what is best for China and it is not the Mongols.

Kublai Khan disagrees with us because he said he was working hard on building stronger weapons and that he would be a good emperor. This is what he thinks, “I have unified China into one dynasty something that the Chinese have been working on for a while. I have also created new weapons and I am excited to make new inventions and share new ideas with the world, instead of sticking to the same old ideas and inventions.” Scholars are very excited to see him rule they think he will use their ideas to make different invention and make the Yuan dynasty on top.

We still think the Mongol should not have beaten the Chinese at all we are smarter tank the Mongols and we have studied tons of government in the past so we should have won. We cannot go back in time and take back the Song, but we can fight the Mongols rule. Kublai Khan is the new emperor for now but we will take back chin later!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Yuan Map


The Yuan dynasty (1208-1365 CE) the borders stretched more north of China and Mongolia then they do now. The orange part is where the Mongols took over at the time and the black out lines are the borders of the countries now. The Mongols would have liked to stretch more west word than they did before. The Yuan dynast stretched from the top of Mongolia at the North, it went all the way to North Korea to the east, it went all the way down to Thailand and it didn’t reach the western border of China.

Leap Forward: Gun Powder

A Leap Forward: Gun Powder
By: Deanna Solari

     The Yuan dynasty has been the first dynasty in the world to use and make gunpowder. We have experimented with many types of substances and made gunpowder. We used it for fireworks so why cant we try using it in war? If we do try to use it in war it with be against Japan our worst enemy! We can not wait to used this it could be a great leap forward in weapons for the Yuan dynasty. We use the metal tubes to shot the gunpowder out of just like fireworks, and many people could be seriously injured using fireworks. We will spread the invention down the silk road to ensure the defeat of Japan and have every one fear the Yuan.

    Gunpowder was invented in the 13th century  and was later used in India. Gunpowder was first used and invented in China. It moved west along the silk road and when the ideas spread to other countries they started using it as well. This is how gunpowder spread across the world.

    Gunpowder has change our lives in many way two of the most well know ways are fireworks and wars. We use gunpowder in fireworks for enjoyment on the fourth of July. We use gunpowder to defeat our enemies in war. That is how gunpowder changed our lives.

A Mixture of Buddhism

Yuan Tibetan Buddhism
By Deanna Solari

                                             The Mongols liked to keep one religion on top and that was Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism believed that you should achieve enlightenment. Tibetan Buddhism was a mixture of the religion fro Tibet and China. When Prince Koton went to the Yuan dynasty he went to discuss Buddhism with the ruler of the Yuan. He persuaded him that Buddhism was the right religion to have.

The Mongols and Tibetans were alike in many ways. They both had a similar landform and the same types of people so it was easy adopting the new religion. The Mongols usually didn’t like religion ideas from outside of the dynasty because the Yuan rulers didn’t want them to become stronger and believe in something else so they used someone else’s religion.

Eventually Buddhism faded out of the Yuan dynasty, when the dynasty came to an end. They really had no religion at the end of the dynasty. But it is great that they could keep everyone under the same religion to untie everyone in China.

Life as a Farmer: Yuan Dynasty

Daily Life in Yuan Dynasty
By Deanna Solari

            The family I visited lived in Tianjin. They were farmers, this means our life was okay and that we got by with what we had. In the morning the family tended to the crops and ate breakfast for breakfast they had whatever was left over from what they sold the day before. Then they got ready to sell some of the crops from today that they harvested.

            In the middle of the day the family came back to have lunch together the room smelled like rice. It was perfectly cooked rice and tasted very good. They did not have any meat with their meals because they couldn’t afford it. After lunch they went back and tended to the crops. For fun in the afternoon the kids chased each other around outside in all the open land. After a little bit of playing time though the family had to get back to work in order to harvest the crops on time.

             At the end of the day the family came into have dinner together. They had rice again but third time they had a tiny piece of meat on the side to go with it. They were all exhausted and said their prayers. They prayed to confusions and to his four books. They finally went to bed after a long day of working on the farm. Their house was basically one room and they all shared it to sleep in and eat in.

Yuan Drama

Yuan Drama
Deanna Solari

            In the Yuan dynasty, Yuan drama was very important it was a new kind of drama. Yuan drama had lot of acrobatics and music in it just like the kin of theater before them in the Sung dynasty. It spread across all over the world and is still popular today. The most common know kind is Beijing Opera. The Yuan drama was meant for higher-class people of the Yuan dynasty.

            The performances were usually about what happened to the Yuan Dynasty all together. That means all the peasants famers and people who worked for the empoer. Yuan Drama usually got most of its idea from the past Chinese dynasty but put their own new twist on it.

             The act had four different parts to it. Singing was one of the parts, the lead characters usually all sung the song together. Acting was another part of it. The whole scene reflected the mood or the feelings in the play so this was the most important part. All of the actors had to do everything right of it just wouldn’t look good. They lead usually played wealthy men or women and a story of finding love or more money.